Genuine panama hat woven by hand. Classic shape on board 6 cm with black and gray striped ribbon.
Color: Tobacco
Shape: Classic / fedora
Edge width: 6 cm
Ribbon: black and gray striped.
Material: 100% toquilla straw
- Available from France
- You now have 15 days from receipt of your order to return the item to us in its packaging.
- Refund upon receipt of the item.
Contact us by email at panallamafr@gmail.com to make your return request, specifying your order number, and we will send you a return slip.
Make sure that the product has its label, its original packaging and that it has not been worn or damaged, then send it to the following address: Daniel Cedeno - Panallama, 34 Rue Marius Aufan, 92300 Levallois-Perret, France.